woman health

Women health

Amruthakala Ayurveda actively works for the betterment of women’s health by practicing the scientific methods of Ayurvedic medicines and methods.


Mental Health

Amruthakala Ayurveda uses a custom approach according to your mental illness and gives you a holistic treatment to make you mentally fit and strong.

general wellness

General Wellness

Daily practice of the Amruthakala Ayurveda’s methods and treatment gives you a whole new perspective on your life and a sense of complete wellness.

Dr. Pushkala Badrinarayan

 Hello! I’m Dr. Pushkala Badrinarayan


I have been practicing Ayurveda, for the past 15 years.
I have been formulating and preparing authentic Ayurvedic medicines at Amruthakala Ayurveda, for 15 years and I am a HOD Associate Prof-Dept of Prasooti Tantra and Stree Roga (Ayur Gyn Obs) at SDM Institute of Ayurveda and Hospital, Bangalore. 

As the department head, I have indulged in constant research of ayurvedic medicine studies, the best journal papers are published in AYUSH, International Journal of Indian Medicine. In my efforts to bring Ayurveda, I have also co-Authored 2 Educational E-Books on Female Infertility.

My Expertise



Pushkala Badrinarayan is an expert in gynecology and has treated more than 250 cases from India and Abroad.

she has been a Professor in the Department of PG Studies in Prasooti Tantra and Stree Roga in SDM Institute of Ayurveda and Hospital, Bangalore.

Dr. Pushkala Badrinarayan

My Approach

In Amruthakala Ayurveda we treat modern women’s health problems such as Painful menses, menopause stages, Obesity, and overall well-being using the Science of Ayurveda. as it is more relevant to modern lifestyle challenges. 

Kerala Ayurvedic Massage

Our center is your go-to for holistic Panchakarma treatments and authentic Kerala Ayurvedic massages. With a team of seasoned Ayurvedic doctors and skilled Panchakarma specialists, we ensure that you receive unparalleled care and therapeutic excellence.

Words from Doctors

Dr anupma sharma

Divy Ayurveda

Dr. Sundara Raman

Founder and Director of Nilgiris Ayurvedic Treatment Centre Pvt Ltd,
Trading as Mountain Top Clinic,
Coonoor, The Nilgiris

Dr. Hema Subhashini

Founder and Director of Jeevadhaara Authentic Ayurveda Centre, Chennai and Coimbatore

Dr.Gourish Asuti

DIRECTOR of Sanjeevini Ayurveda Medical College, Hubli

Frequently Asked Questions

Do we have treatment for infertility in Ayurveda?

Many people do not know the actual options available and are forced to take alternatives. Yes, Ayurveda provides an excellent solution to improve fertility with no side effects.

How do you treat Fibroids, PCOS, Tubal block, etc which need surgical intervention?

We use potent medicines and treatments such as Vasti and Uttaravasti along with Yoni Pichu to treat the above conditions. We have seen wonderful results without any surgical interventions.

What is Pre Conceptional care?

The quality of sperm and egg decides the outcome of pregnancy. In Ayurveda, various diets, medicines, and treatments are advised for couples to take before getting pregnant. This not only prepares them physically by detoxification but also prepares them mentally and emotionally. The way of planning a healthier progeny with Medicine, Diet, Change of lifestyle, and then proceeding for conception is called Pre Conceptional care.

How does Ayurveda help me through Pregnancy?

Ayurveda proposes “Masanumasika perikarya – Monthly regimen during pregnancy “ which mainly involves the usage of different Herbs, Food, Milk infusions, Ghee, etc.  Unique formulations to avoid miscarriages for pregnant women, especially the ones with a history of repeat pregnancy loss is highly beneficial. The medicines advised not only to take care of the to-be mom but also to improve the health, intelligence, and immunity of the child. We also give Spl Swarnaprashan for the pregnant women to improve overall health and immunity for both mother and the child.

How long does it take to treat Infertility in Ayurveda?

Treatment of Infertility depends solely on the individual condition. I have treated many infertility cases of which some have conceived within 3 months, some within 6 months and very few have taken even longer.

Does Ayurveda provide treatment for Endometriosis and Chocolate cysts?

Many cases of Endometriosis and Chocolate cysts have been treated successfully through Ayurveda and eventually, they have been conceived. Quality of life affected by constant pain and discomfort in many cases is improved drastically with Ayurvedic medicines and treatments.

Various Ayurvedic treatment modalities tackle cases with big endometriotic cyst

How relevant is Pre Conceptional care in today’s era?

Given the increase in repeat abortions, autoimmune disorders, Autism, psychological issues, and genetic disorders it is in the interest of a better society that we need to follow proper Pre Conceptional Care. Every pregnancy should be planned not to be accidental.

People advise so many food restrictions after delivery. Is it really necessary to follow them?

‘We are what we eat’. But this drastically changes after delivery. Because what you eat affects not only you but also the child. Strict Pathya needs to be followed at least 3 months after delivery. After which, there are a few foods that need to be avoided till you breastfeed. In many conditions, Ayurveda proposes to treat the mother rather than giving medicine directly to the child. Please remember that whatever you eat will be affecting your child through your breast milk.

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies visit your nearest hospital


22 7th Cross, 34th Main Rd, TMC Layout, 1st Phase, J. P. Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560078
